Monday, October 6, 2008

Adakah Kasih Selapas Raya

Nukilan selepas tgk Abg Bear...
Aku selalu mengingatkan diriku bahawa bagaimana susah diriku pasti ada yang orang lain yang lebih susah daripada aku.
Malah jika kita senangpun pasti ada orang lebih senang daripada kita. Oleh itu kita harus bersyukur dan menghargai dengan apa yang kita ada ketika ini.
Di samping itu kita jangan ambil mudah dengan apa yang ada di sekeliling kita.
Kita tidak akan tahu kelebihan sesuatu jika kita tidak pernah memilikinya dan kita tidak akan tahu pentingnya sesuatu itu selagi kita belum kehilangannya
Selamat hari Raya, abang bear...
Emo jap...


Fiebie said...

ko memang berani mati kan. harus ko taste gila kat abang beruang madu tu kan.

keji tau, ada nukilan semua.

Corina said...

semua org kwn mak..............kecuali..............................

Mistressluvbondage said...

wei, setakat nukilan mk x salah tau.
mak belom ambik fligh MAS lagi tau gi carik dier.
bang Bear...take care k'

Sister of St Angelic said...

corina, please stop the spamming with ur new tagline here, we (the others) got it, if u feel that the person did not get it (coz u receive an sms yesterday) please look for other modalities to communicate with that person, or else just shut up if u have nothing to say!

Mistressluvbondage said...

Semua dapat jemputan x open house dr Tuttttttttt. this saturday
Corina dapat and she cannot face the fact , kita dah x koser nk ambik port pasal history dia .
BTW, mak nak pergi sbb mak nk tgk kekayaan ex dia byk mana

Corina said...

motif?!!!! just because of a tagline like that, korg nak kecoh pehal...suker mak lah mak nak tulis aper....oh...mak x blh ader tagline....korang jer boleh ader.......mak sukerlah....well MLB,mak pun x nk amek port pasal history mak cuma klu org da usik mak, kacau mak, mak meletoplah....emm...kita kena ingat, kita x rasa biler x kena hidung sendiri. mungkin setengah org blh diam dan settle sorg2x, mak x leh.mak kena citer ngan kwn2mak tapi mak x meletop kat korang dua org kan...........mak faham. tapi biler mak meletop kan org lain sis A question....y?lagi satu, it was a big deal to others that i got the sms from u know who.....u weren't there, u don't know. if i were to keep quiet pun, well, org akan tau and make a big deal out of it. as if ko x tau kebun getah, small things will blow out of porportion. one more thing, aku meletop to whom that i consider my frens simply because u guys are my frens.....klu u want people to accept u seadanyer, then try to accept other people seadanyer jugak.well, at least people who u consider to be ur fren. well, anyway, 'semua org pun kawan mak, kecuali...........' TETAP!!!!!!!!!!!

sis a,
"corina, please stop the spamming with ur new tagline here, we (the others) got it, if u feel that the person did not get it (coz u receive an sms yesterday) please look for other modalities to communicate with that person, or else just shut up if u have nothing to say!"

corina said to sis a :who cares!!!!!!!!


"Semua dapat jemputan x open house dr Tuttttttttt. this saturday
Corina dapat and she cannot face the fact , kita dah x koser nk ambik port pasal history dia .
BTW, mak nak pergi sbb mak nk tgk kekayaan ex dia byk mana"

P/S:klu xder history mak, xder lah u ols blh tgk kekayaan dia. corina said: who cares........hikssss

P/S: project kita tetap jadi.....mak suke gadoh ngan korang.

'semua org kawan mak kecuali.......'

Mistressluvbondage said...

Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek
Corina cantek

Mistressluvbondage said...

Corina kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus
Corina Kurus

Mistressluvbondage said...

if you wanna talk about hidung
you cannot lwn both of us
Our hidung much mancung than u ols
if you wanna compare other ppl history , we have had happy and sad story to talk about
Satu jer, mak x der ...and i cannot accept poligami exspecially tuttttttttttt
that is why my relationship never work out. apa mak ckp ni.
Anway...mak dah warning
x igt lagi ker...biar pecah diperut jg pecah dimulut
Semua org kwn mak
Corina dah mula taste chub
itu sajorkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Corina said...

hidung mak x mancung .....mak mix....hiks......semua org kwn mak kecuali......mak bukan taste chub sgtlah walaupun mak chub, mak taste stocky u ols.......mak kagum dgn kecantikan u ols jugiuew............ok mak ingat apa ko ckp dululah,cuma....hiksssssssssss

project tetap jadi.......
thank u ayu jelita

Mistressluvbondage said...

if one time , its happen
dia akan berlalu lagi
percaya lah ckp mak